Possip Pulse Check®️

Quiz Yourself!

Did you know attendance and chronic absenteeism affects funding schools receive from the federal government? Even if your child hasn’t had any attendance issues, it might still be a top priority for your school - because making sure all children are at school and ready to learn affects everyone at school! We looked at our 2023-24 school year data from responses parents submitted to their schools across the country. Can you guess how high Attendance Feedback and Questions ranked in the trends in comments from families? For families, Attendance Feedback and Questions was the ___ trending theme in 2023/24. How high do you prioritize your child’s attendance at school? Do you know of barriers families at your school face that keep kids from getting to class? Equip yourself with knowledge to help support your schools’ efforts this year by selecting an answer above!

The correct answer:

D. Attendance Feedback and Questions ranked #25 in top concerns expressed by families in the 2023-24 school year. But this is a top issue for many schools and districts across the country!