Practical Tools for A Strong School Climate That Meets Student Development Needs

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This winter and spring, we led a webinar series focused on school climate, culminating in a robust workbook for school leaders. This guide is designed to foster a positive school climate by aligning with Maslow’s hierarchy, ensuring environments where students not only succeed academically but also thrive personally. Click here to read the full event […]

Sustaining Strong Schools: Strategies for Teacher and Staff Retention – Event Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This webinar brought together a panel of experts to discuss innovative strategies for enhancing staff retention in schools. The event centered on data collected through school Pulse Checks® and underscored the importance of listening to and valuing staff feedback, a cornerstone of Possip’s mission. Click here to read the full event recap!

Back to School: Anticipating Parent Concerns – Event Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In this webinar, we discuss how district leaders, school principals, teachers, and PTO members joined Possip to learn what our data says are the most pressing concerns parents share at the beginning of the year. For each top trend, Possip shared tangible strategies and ideas to get ahead of those concerns. For every trend, Possip […]

Landon Mascareñaz on Co-Creating with Communities: Possip’s 3rd Annual Partner Retreat Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Possip’s Third Annual Partner Retreat featured a conversation with Dr. Landon Mascareñaz of The Colorado Education Initiative. When Dr. Mascareñaz was writing his upcoming book, The Open System: Redesigning Education and Reigniting Democracy, Possip’s Founder, Shani Dowell, was an ‘Opener in Residence’ on a team advising Landon’s research. Click here to read the full event recap!

Texas House of Public Education Committee Invites Shani Dowell to Testify

Virtual Event Virtual Event

On July 26 2022, Possip’s CEO and Founder, Shani Dowell, was invited by the Texas House Public Education Committee to testify on how to ensure parents have a meaningful role in their children’s education. Click here to read the full event recap!

Real Talk: Relevant Teaching in a Contentious Time

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Possip CEO & Founder, Shani Dowell, facilitates a conversation with a panel and an intimate audience of parents and educators to talk about teaching in a contentious time.  Click here to read the full event recap!

Real Talk: Parents and Educators Talk Trust & Relationships in Schools

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Possip CEO Shani Dowell, founder of Nashville Classical Charles Friedman , and other special guests have an intimate conversation about the roles of power, trust, and relationships in educating kids. Click here to read the full event recap!

Driving Strong Attendance and Enrollment Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

We know that this enrollment period will be like none other. Schools and districts are feeling the pain of maintaining a high quality educational experience and strong funding streams. Now, more than ever, it’s important to consider how you can drive strong attendance and enrollment through your culture, messaging, and intentionality. That’s why we hosted Driving […]

Partner Connect 2021 Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This event was Possip’s first retreat for our customers – PARTNER CONNECT 2021: Empowering Diversity and Equitable Decision Making. Click here to read the full event recap!