As a leader, you have competing responsibilities and commitments. You’re responsible for the success of your organization. 

Possip gives you an affordable, high-impact way to strengthen your business success – in partnership with your staff and community.

Pulse Checks®

Through Pulse Checks, you can customize quick check ins to learn needs, insights, and ideas. We will partner with you to design quick, one-minute pulse check surveys that can be administered in over 100 languages and give you insights and data in a matter of days.

In addition to Pulse Checks, you can also partner with Possip on Long-Form Surveys, Strategic Planning, our 52-weeks of Leadership SMS Guide, or our Small Business Capacity-Building partner.

Experience a Pulse Check

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How Possip Partners Highlight Feedback

A small tech company in the South saw the happiness of their   part-time staff plummet between Pulse Check surveys.

Through closely analyzing the data gathered in Pulse Checks, the company learned that a change in their processes had led to a lot of extra and inefficient work for their part-time team members.

With this information, the company altered their process. They ended up saving time for their team and money for their company. They communicated that win back to employees, crediting the part-time staff for voicing their concerns and allowing the leadership the opportunity to course correct!

What do you need to know?

Check out questions businesses like yours have asked through Possip. The responses gathered help leaders make data-informed decisions, course correct, and increase team buy-in!  

Example Questions to Ask

  • We want to highlight the positive work of our staff. What specific behaviors, efforts or results typically go unnoticed, but deserve recognition?
  • What service would make our offering even more valuable to you?
  • Which of these would make you feel more a part of your department? 1) Shared goals; 2) Opportunities to learn new skills; 3) Opportunities for staff/team building DURING the workday; 4) Opportunities for staff/team building OUTSIDE the workday; 5) Being recognized for my work by peers/colleagues; 6) Being recognized for my work by leadership; 7) Other
  • Please give a shoutout by name to a team member who you’ve seen do great work this year! What did they do?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing feedback with your team? Yes, Mostly, or No. Please include any additional comments
  • Do you feel successful in your work? Please respond Yes, Mostly, or No

“Loving the feedback process with Possip. It has prompted good conversations!”

“I appreciate Pulse Checks allowing us to address / bring up issues and allow us to reach out to discuss / find resolutions to the issues we may be having. I believe it has helped me address an issue with communication and I feel like it’s much better.”

“I really appreciate the openness to feedback and the follow-up with different departments.”

– Staff member comments collected through Pulse Checks