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Better Surveys for Better Organizations
Start today and see how Possip can help get real-time feedback for real-world impact! Table of Contents Introducing our Pulse Checks Starter Package! Who Can Benefit? Risk-Free and Affordable Get Started Today As a leader you need to lead. You don’t have time for bad surveys, wasted time, or more
Seven Reopening Best Practices to Replicate
Times of crisis call for collaboration and sharing of best practices that are working for students and families.
Three Keys to a Reopening Plan that Parents Can Support
School and district leaders are in a bit of a no-win situation when making the contentious school reopening decision.
Inclusive and Equitable Pods
We can create more inclusive and equitable pods. This is happening….so let’s do it right. Thanks to author
How Districts Are Reopening Schools Around the Country
One of our partner district leaders described making plans in these times as akin to drawing a plan
Principal Corner: Messaging During Difficult Decisions
When the pandemic shut down schools, the Possip team read through tens of thousands of parent comments while
Maximizing Impact Through Strategic Budgeting – for Schools
Before working at Possip, I worked at Procter & Gamble in Finance for 13 years. I had
What Do Families Think About Reopening Schools?
Our country is thick with 3 challenges: the COVID-19 pandemic, long-standing racial injustices, and economic insecurity. As schools
For Leaders: Reopening Plans That Hear Voices of Black Families…and Whispers
We believe these steps are great for any school leader. One of our White team members wrote it
What Does It Mean to Call For Your Mother?
Those who have watched the George Floyd murder talk about the moments of last breaths. It is here