Dear First-Year Teacher

first-year teachers

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Dear First-Year Teacher,

When I think about my own season as a first-year educator, I wish I could give my past self a big ol’ hug. Every day can feel like you’re learning so much while trying to teach at the same time! From veteran teachers everywhere–we hear you, and we have all been there.

Sarah Besand, a teacher and Possip Reporter, encourages first-year teachers with tips and advice from seasoned educators. 

Teachers build up each other. Whether it’s staff members in your building showing you tricks of the trade or teachers in this blog sharing their advice, teachers help teachers. Here’s a collection of tips and advice from veteran teachers who were once in your very same shoes.

Prioritize Self Care

As I interviewed a pool of educators I admire, I heard a clear emphasis on prioritizing self care again and again. As teachers, we can often feel committed to many  projects and tasks throughout the day. However, prioritizing self care on our to-do list ultimately makes us stronger in our field. It’s important to remember that our students prosper when we are healthy, calm, and well-rested. 

It’s also important for our students to see relaxed and regulated role models in their life. In our fast-paced world today, self-care can frequently be pushed to the back burner, and our students mimic what they are surrounded by. Consider modeling for students what it looks like to take care of yourself emotionally and physically as an important investment in the next generation.

Self-care can look different for every teacher. I find rejuvenation while hiking, practicing yoga, and journaling. For another teacher it could be making time for a Zumba class or playing with their children. For another it could be weekly therapy. If you find something restful and energizing at the same time, it’s probably a great self-care choice for you. Remember that what serves you best can change over time. Here’s a blog with more ideas!


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