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Trying to connect teachers – staff – and even students – can get stale. Our team loves using whip-around to keep us connected – and constantly getting to know each other better. Here are some of our favorite whip-around questions – and some of these are great ones for students also. Updated Apr 5, 2024!
Favorite Whip-Around Questions: Travel
- What is one of your most memorable unplanned travel experiences?
- Where would you live if you had to live somewhere other than where you live now?
- Are you a beach or mountains?
- Pineapples on pizza – yes or no?
- What is your go to comfort food?
- What meal makes you think of growing up or visiting “home”?
- Favorite family recipe?
Favorite Whip-Around Questions: Would You Rather
- Would you rather meet your family’s ancestors or your family’s descendants?
- Do you snooze your alarm or not snooze?
- White holiday lights or multicolored holiday lights?
Music / Entertainment
- What is a movie you can watch again and again?
- What new artist or music have you been listening to recently?
- Do you like to dance? If so, what type of music?
- When’s the last time you were at a place or event with dancing?
- Which villain do you actually love (or somewhat like)?
- If you could attend an NPR Tiny Desk concert by one musician/band, who would you select and why?
- What album have you listened to in entirety?
- Best concert you’ve been to / been to this year
- Dream live concert (alive or passed on)
- If you could play any part or character in a movie/TV show, who would you be?
- Name a celebrity sighting.
- Best all time album?
- If you could be in a game show/reality show which one would it be?
Favorite Whip-Around Questions: Your Past
- What are some trends or products that are nostalgic to you?
- What was your favorite extracurricular activity growing up?
- What is an award you got as a child?
- Tell us about one of your childhood friends and what you learned from them.
- What is an embarrassing moment from your childhood?
- What is the story behind how/why your parents chose your name?
- What is a proud achievement or accomplishment from middle or high school?
- What did you do this weekend?
- Are you a spoon or a knife and why?
- What is an appliance that you can’t live without?
- If you could go to a camp for adults, what kind of camp would it be?
- What is an unwarranted fear?
- What was your first paid job?
- What is your favorite hobby you want to do when you retire?
- Guess the height of a team member or classmate you haven’t met in person yet.
- What is a word or phrase you know in another language? Where did you learn it?
- What is your favorite app on your phone? Or which one do you use most?
- What nonprofit would you choose to endorse if you could only pick one?
- If you were speaking at a TEDx conference or something similar, what would you talk about?
- What sound brings you peace?
We’d love to hear from you. What are some of your favorite whip-around questions? Email us at