Generative AI – It’s Not As Scary As You Think

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generative AI

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Okay, I’ll admit it—it’s a little scary. The idea of relying on artificial intelligence, knowing human beings’ propensity to take the easy road, skip fact-checking, and equate multisyllabic words with intelligence can feel daunting. Add to that our deeply ingrained biases and the tendency to discriminate, it’s easy to see why many people feel apprehensive about using AI in education and at home.

Adam Thede is the VP of Engineering at Possip, an engagement platform that empowers organizations in impactful areas like schools, human services, and civic departments.

But here’s the thing: it’s not as scary as you think. In fact, when used with caution, AI can be an incredibly powerful tool for enhancing learning. It can foster curiosity and even accelerate meaningful conversations between parents, teachers, and students.

AI as a Tool

In our work, we use AI as an interactive resource to create rich, detailed documentation. It’s a bit like having a conversation with an extremely well-read colleague who’s always ready with insights or suggestions. Except that, in reality, you’re talking to a computer. The AI is designed to feel human in its responses, but it doesn’t come with the same limitations. It doesn’t get tired or need breaks. It’s constantly learning from the feedback it receives, refining its answers, and becoming more accurate and useful over time.

For parents and educators, this presents a unique opportunity. Imagine using AI as a tool to encourage students to think more critically and creatively. With the right supervision, AI can be an incredible asset to help children learn how to ask better questions and explore curiosities in a safe, guided way. When my children and I work with AI, I’ve noticed that it serves as a way of shaping their minds to think analytically and iteratively.

Teaching Critical Thinking Through AI Interactions

Every time a child interacts with an AI, they have a chance to ask, “How can I make my request clearer? How can I iterate on my question to get a better answer?” This is a skill that goes beyond traditional learning; it’s about fostering an attitude of continuous improvement and curiosity. And isn’t that what education is really about?

However, it’s essential to recognize that AI is not infallible. Like any tool, it has its limitations. It can produce inaccurate information or biased responses. Instead of seeing this as a downside, can we use this as an opportunity to teach critical thinking? Can we see this as a training ground for our children to constantly ask themselves: Where is the information inaccurate? Why might that be the case? How can we verify what’s true or false? These are vital questions for our children to learn to ask in a world where misinformation spreads rapidly.

Shifting the Mindset

Ultimately, AI can help break down complex information into more digestible parts, making it easier for everyone to understand. Rather than seeing AI as a threat to critical thinking or a shortcut to genuine learning, we should view it as a new avenue for exploration—a tool that, when used thoughtfully and deliberately, can enhance our understanding of the world and each other.

In the end, it’s about shifting our mindset. Yes, there are valid concerns about using AI, especially when it comes to issues like bias and accuracy. But that doesn’t mean we should shy away from it altogether. Instead, we should lean into these challenges, use them as teaching moments, and see AI for what it truly is: a powerful tool that can drive innovation and curiosity when used with care and intention.

So, is it scary? A little, maybe. But it’s also exciting—an opportunity to rethink how we learn, communicate, and grow. It’s time to embrace the potential of AI, not with blind optimism, but with cautious enthusiasm, recognizing that it can be as transformative as we allow it to be.