March Staff Trends 2023

Caitlin Churchill, Possip’s Community Director provides an overview of top family feedback trends from March. If you love these Trend blogs, look forward to the annual Trends Reveal this April 26!

We are gearing up to ask key questions about the 2022-23 trends data at the 3rd Annual Trends Reveal this April 26. Don’t miss your opportunity to register now at this link to be in on the conversation. Parents and educators are invited to this national event!

Over 14,000 new people contributed to Pulse Check responses in March, and over 2000 staff from across the country took the Possip Pulse Check!

An interesting note on what we call the Happiness Sentiment Rating.  The Happiness Sentiment Rating for staff this March is 61%, with another 29% reporting they are “mostly” happy – this statistic is similar to data in February. In January, 66% of staff members reported they were happy. 

This is a great time to help boost staff morale as Teacher Appreciation Week is just around the corner. Possip has released a new feature to help you easily share teacher praise! If you are a Possip partner, inquire about this feature by writing! 

Keep reading to learn more about staff feedback from March!

Below are the top 5 trends from report recommendations in March:

#1 Student Discipline

Staff are asking for intervention with behavior management. Teachers and staff from many schools are reporting a trend of disruptive student behavior as a result of oversized classes, returning from school breaks, or from individual students displaying more “extreme” behaviors than in the past. Staff feedback emphasizes the need for leadership. It also emphasizes for teams to be united on how to handle discipline issues that seem to be increasing or increasingly more difficult to manage. Staff is asking for clear communication and aligned protocols. Possip Reporter and Tennessee AP teacher, Savannah Staley recommends leaders regroup with teams on their school’s discipline model, and participate in conversations with students and staff about whether or not that discipline model is working. Read more from Savannah here, and remember that Pulse Checks help you hear from students too! 

#2 Administration Feedback

Staff members are asking for more positive reinforcement and empathy from administrators. They seek balance- knowing that everyone is listening to feedback and all levels of leadership are vocalizing accountability for the staff culture. That sense of connection and follow-up on feedback is one way Possip reports can aid in balancing and stabilizing the culture. Possip Praise is a great way to uplift staff. Responding to Possip staff feedback displays commitment and support for your teams! 

#3 Teacher Workload

It is an interesting time to read feedback on Teacher Workload at this time of year because teachers and staff seem to be aware that this is “crunch time” when they begin to experience burnout. Staff are asking that administrators check on them, inspire them, and encourage them right now. Possip Reporter Savannah shares some ideas on how administration can support teachers already at max capacity. 

#4 Communication Frequency

Staff are asking for more communication and more consistent and cross-departmental communication. There are some specific things staff ask for earlier communication about: PDs, events, decision making and school performance. 

#5 Facilities and Cleanliness 

Among comments about facilities and cleanliness are clever suggestions about employing student custodians, hallway management, and more. There is also desire from teachers to have ownership over creating their space for students’ learning environments. 

Now that you’ve reviewed top staff trends in March, hop on over to the family trends from this month. 


We share these top trends in the hopes that they help you have the tools, information, and ideas to support your school. Want to learn more about these trends? Reach out to Jennifer Kehl at 

Want to learn more about family and teacher needs? Join our live demo!

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