You’re Good! The Truth of First Days of School

For Parents, Possip / /

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As Possip Founder, CEO, and a parent of a student- Shani Dowell shares what the first day of school is really like. 

First days of school.

On Facebook and Instagram they look like cute pictures of kids, impressive classrooms, and beautiful libraries.

The reality is crying kids at drop off and buses running late. The truth is a lot of first year teachers, class scheduling snafus, and kids worrying about their clothes. There’s more! Parents worrying about whether their kid is okay, and districts worrying about buses and transportation. We’re not done yet!  Schools have to figure out who is showing up – fewer kids than expected? More kids than expected?

Beneath the beauty of cute kids and perfect classrooms is the messiness of the art and science of running great schools.  All the cuteness and preparedness is real; but a little bit of chaos is too.

Our only solution for this messiness is a community of wisdom and grace.

At Possip we see the praise and feedback that highlights both how hard the first weeks of school are – -and the beauties in the first weeks of school.

We want to remind teachers, parents, and school staff that – as we tell our kids who may be tentatively entering school for the first time – you’re good!

As most parents know, these two words are spoken more as a vision and prayer than anything – we are speaking over our kids that they are going to be okay.

Similarly, just remember that in spite of hiccups in the first days or maybe even week of school, YOU’RE GOOD!  Your child, your classroom, your school is going to have a great year.

Luckily, the school year echoes the Winston Churchill quote –

Success is not final; failure is not fatal; is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill