Breaking the Language Barrier: Event Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This event discusses how organizations that use Possip to gather feedback have the ability to collect responses in almost any language, breaking a typical barrier to family engagement. In 2022-23, one-third of the responses Possip received were in 67 languages other than English. Click here to read the full event recap!

Back to School: Anticipating Parent Concerns – Event Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In this webinar, we discuss how district leaders, school principals, teachers, and PTO members joined Possip to learn what our data says are the most pressing concerns parents share at […]

Using Community Feedback in School Improvement Projects, Event Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Educators from schools across the country gathered for a conversation between Possip’s Jordan Jones, Executive Directors Kathryn Procope and Kristin Scotchmer, Principal Corbet Houston, and education consultant Kerry Swarr to talk about using family feedback in school improvement projects and operations. Keep reading to hear from the panelists! Click here to read the full event recap!

Tactics for Increasing Attendance and Enrollment, Event Recap

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Nearly two hundred leaders and educators from across the country gathered for a conversation between Possip’s CEO, Shani Dowell, school administrators Kavon Seay and Marc Anthony Peek of Napier Elementary in Nashville, communication consultant Austin Rhodes of Rhodes […]

2021-22 School Feedback Trends

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In May 2022, we discussed the top trends that we received from a year’s worth of feedback and praise from parents, school staff, and students! Click here to read the […]