Family Trends from May 17th Through May 23rd

family trends from may 17th through may 23rd

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Possip received over 15,000 responses submitted by parents, family members, and caregivers this week. We read all of the praises and insights sent in throughout the week of May 17 through May 23. If your school uses Possip pulse checks, you may have heard about trends from your specific school about trends in your community. It may also be helpful to know what topics other parents are discussing with their school across the country. Possip has schools in 26 states and we want to share our findings from all of our families. Here is a quick summary of family praise and insights from across the country. Here is a quick summary of family trends from May 17th through May 23rd from across the country.

Last week, 71% of families responded that they were happy with their child’s school, with the remaining saying they were mostly happy or not happy with their child’s school.


We saw a few positive trends from families across the country:

The praise trend continues to be around family praise for teachers and staff. Families appreciate how teachers have worked so hard during this challenging time and are keeping students safe as they return to in-person school. A few representative comments from actual families this week:

  • The staff is great, always responsive, from the teachers to the principal, social worker and coaches, I’m so happy my child has these dedicated, bright professionals!”
  • “Estoy satisfecho por el aprendizaje que les proporcionan a mis hijos gracias muy feliz con todos los maestros TRANSLATION: I am satisfied with the learning they provide to my children, thank you very happy with all the teachers”
  • “Just want to say thank you to all staff for your commitment to educating my children it is greatly appreciated”
  • “The staff did an awesome job of navigating through the pandemic. Job well done!”

We also heard families share positive praise for end of year events that are creatively taking place in schools.

  • “The choir concert was amazing. Thanks so much to the wonderful teachers and to the students for sharing their voices. I loved hearing love music again!”
  • “Our teachers have been beyond helpful throughout the year. So glad we got to have field days!!!”


Here are a few of the most frequently discussed feedback for schools across the country:

6% of all Possip recommendations to schools revolved around school reopening plans and requesting information about next school year. Parents discussed this repeat hot topic in great amounts last week through Possip. Families asked about 2021-2022 school year calendars, continued virtual learning options, safety protocols, and school start dates. Here are a few representative quotes from families on this topic:

  • “When will we have more clarity on what school will look like next year?”
  • “Updates on next year’s opening and a 2021/22 calendar”
  • “Why is the next school year starting remotely? It makes it very difficult for families with two working parents.”
  • “How are we going to transition back into the school?
  • “Will there be a virtual option next school year”
  • “Are all schools in person next school year?”

Another 6% of all Possip recommendations to schools this week related to end of year event feedback. Families want to know about graduation ceremonies, providing feedback about the safety of end of year events, and sharing their thoughts about cancelling end of year events.  Here are a few representative quotes from families on this topic:

  • “Are we doing a graduation for 8th grade this year? I would really like to see this happen and not take anymore of their experience away from them. “
  • “Not happy with graduation being moved indoors. Unvaccinated people are still at very high risk for coronavirus infection, according to the NY Times and the CDC still recommends avoiding large indoor gatherings. If it must be indoors, how about the civic center where there’s enough room for social distancing?
  • “Cuando tendran las graduaciones..TRANSLATION When will they have graduations…”
  • “Wish there was a kindergarten graduation, even for virtual students so they feel a sense of accomplishment.”

About 5% of all Possip recommendations to schools this week related to returning technology to schools. Families wanted to know if they had to return iPads, laptops, and other technology products and what the logistics were for that process. Here are a few representative quotes from families on this topic:

  • “Do they return virtual laptops and hotspots?” 
  • “When to return laptops” 
  • “Las computadoras se las van a dejar? TRANSLATION: Are the computers going to be dropped off with you?
  • Info on where/how to return laptops”


4% of all Possip recommendations to schools this week related to communicating grades and academic progress to families. Families discussed wanting more communicating in regards to academic progress, sending grade updates to families, and updating grades online in a timely fashion. Here are a few representative quotes from families on this topic:

  • “You’ve handled the most challenging year with consideration and grace. Thank you. Please encourage teacher to grade and update Schoology regularly and OFTEN. This happens for the most part but if I don’t know how my child truly is performing I can’t partner or parent properly. “
  • “Cómo estuvo en las clases mí escolar TRANSLATION How was my student in classes”
  • “Since all the grading appears to be being done electronically, it would be helpful to have the all the assignments for each quarter posted on powerschool at the beginning of the quarter. Some teachers post assignments a little early and some the day they are due, but others wait until a 0 has been given to add to powerschool.”
  • “Frustrated that Social Studies grades weren’t posted until yesterday.”


Here is a parent resource that may be helpful based on what we are hearing.


We also shared these resources with our partner schools…



We’d love to hear from you. What else do you need or want to see? Do these parent praise and insights align with what you see?