I’m a Possip Parent
My child’s school just partnered with Possip. What is Possip?
Possip is a parent engagement platform that makes it easy to share feedback with your child’s school. Your school chooses the frequency of the survey – but we recommend bi-weekly. You get surveys on Fridays, asking for your thoughts, praise and feedback. Your child’s school then gets all parent praise and feedback each week – including any follow up requests.

Do I get the survey every week?
If your school is signed up for weekly Possip, yes! You are giving your child’s school valuable information by typing just a few words – yes, mostly, or no. So not only do you get the survey every week, we recommend responding every week. This helps our parent teacher app to to serve as an optimal constructive feedback tool.
What do I share with the school? What kind of feedback or praise should I share?
Celebrate the good — Share specific praise to teachers and staff, recognition of programs, or classes you or your student love. Is your child coming home talking about a special event? A new thing they learned? Share that with your child’s school. Did you share feedback about something that you have seen improve? Share that. See examples of feedback here.
Share your concerns — Worried about a failing grade? Is your child having trouble making friends? Have ideas for how to make your child’s school even better? Are there things happening that could use a parent perspective? Share it in your Pulse Check. Our real time feedback tool enables you to contact teachers and administrators instantly.
Ask questions – Not sure where to get a school uniform? Wondering when progress reports go home? New to school? Need a lunch menu? Possip serves as a school parent communication platform that gets you answers to these questions in a timely fashion.
Why should I share feedback with the school?
As your child’s first teacher, your voice matters. Your feedback is important to the school’s leaders. Your input makes your child’s school better. Often schools are wanting to improve the very same things you do! They need your support, ideas, and perspective. Also, teachers and staff work hard to create a good school experience – they deserve to hear the good things happening. Finally, research shows that when parents are more engaged, children do better in school. Possip gives you an easy way to be engaged every week.
We’re moving schools or my phone number has changed so I need to STOP the surveys.
Text NO POSSIP to STOP getting Possip texts and submitting parent feedback.
I’d love to get Possip for my child’s school.
Click here to let us know about you and how we can work together on your effort!