Trends & Insights
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Better Surveys for Better Organizations
Start today and see how Possip can help get real-time feedback for real-world impact! Table of Contents Introducing our Pulse Checks Starter Package! Who Can Benefit? Risk-Free and Affordable Get Started Today As a leader you need to lead. You don’t have time for bad surveys, wasted time, or more
The Path to Safer Schools: Top Questions to Ask
While answers aren’t always easy, Possip CEO & Founder, Shani Dowell, shares important questions for you to ask
KIPP Leaders on How Possip Data is Equipping Leaders in Their Work
Caitlin Churchill, Possip’s Director of Community, sat down with KIPP Leaders from across the country to learn how
Top 10 October Staff Trends
Amanda Richards, Possip’s Reporting Team Lead, analyzed data from our Pulse Checks! The results were able to provide
Top 10 October Family Trends
Amanda Richards, Possip’s Reporting Team Lead, analyzed data from our Pulse Checks! The results were able to provide
National Family Literacy Day
Virginia Williams, Possip reporter with a background in Elementary Education & Special Education, compiled a few ways that
How Does Possip Meet the Core Competencies of Family Engagement?
Kerry Whitacre Swarr, Possip reporter and education equity consultant who is also working on her Ed.D. dissertation involving
4 Principles of Feedback From Extraordinary School Leaders
Caitlin Churchill, Possip Customer Experience team member, complied four principals of feedback from the extraordinary school leaders who
Hear How 4 School Leaders Answer the Question: “What’s your favorite part of the Possip feedback reports?”
Last year, under the leadership of Julie Kennedy, Charter School Growth Fund funded a starter year of Possip
Top 10 Feedback Trends from Teachers & School Staff this September
Amanda Richards, Possip’s Reporting Team Lead, analyzed data from our Pulse Checks! The results were able to provide