How Possip Helps Share the Love!

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Virginia Williams, Possip reporter with a background in Elementary Education & Special Education, shares ways to share the love in your community.


It’s February!  Which means teachers are not only receiving thoughtful Valentines from their students, but they are also TIRED.  The rejuvenation they felt after winter break might be fading.  They may be looking desperately towards Spring Break. Everyone is hopeful for warmer months and days with more sunlight. Administrators, you can help share the love! Do not underestimate the power of a little positivity at this time of year. 

Below, we hope to share ways that Possip can support you as you seek to support your teachers and spread the love!

1) Know that families appreciate their teachers and teachers appreciate one another. 

These are facts! We see evidence of this appreciation in every single report.  It is so easy to focus on the feedback we receive – the loudest voices are often the most critical. But, if we are looking for it, the positives often far outweigh the negatives! In each Possip report, take time to notice the highlighted praise comments at the top of the report. Additionally, take time to read the rest of the praise comments bucketed into various categories. Lastly, don’t overlook the percentage of families who answer ‘yes’ to your sentiment question.  These numbers can be so encouraging!

2) Share this praise with your staff! 

Once you’ve taken a moment to notice all the positive praise within your community, find a way to share it with your teachers. Perhaps you send a weekly email listing specific shoutouts that have been shared. You can create a bulletin board in a central location at your school, elevating positive comments or appreciation that has been mentioned by teachers or families. Lastly, consider using Possip’s 360 product!

3) Give teachers a reason to continue sharing praise.

We all need something to look forward to and keep us motivated at this time of year. Consider creating some opportunities for teachers to win prizes as a result of recognition. For example, tell teachers that each week for the next 4 weeks, there will be a raffle! Any teachers who receive a shoutout from a colleague will have their name entered into the raffle to win a $5 gift card or another incentive! 


Possip can be an incredible tool for spreading love in your school community! We hope that Pulse Checks™, as well as the tips in this blog, will continue to help you support your school community as you look toward the end of the year. 

Remember, the positives are there; you just have to choose to focus on them! Share the love. 

Check out Some of Our Recent Praise Comments Here!

My son loves his teachers and classes. He is so happy at your school. He can't wait to get there in the mornings.
Rip Warner, from Rocky Mountain Prep
Possip Parent
"Whenever I have a question or concern, the staff is always available to help. They go above and beyond to help me and my children. This is very much appreciated."
KIPP Washington Heights
Possip Parent