6 Ways to Retain and Motivate Staff Over Winter Break

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After several years of modified schooling, illnesses, and complex world issues, everyone is ready for a break this winter. As an administrator, you hope your staff prioritizes recharging over the holidays. You want to set up students and staff to come back ready in January. But you might also be worried about teacher motivation and retention during this time of year.  

Cate Reed, seasoned administrator, current Senior Vice President of Teach For America, and Possip Reporter, explains six strategies to retain and motivate staff over lengthy breaks.

We know we always think broadly about engaging and retaining staff. As you enter a lengthy break, there are six things you can consider specifically to ensure staff return in January and are excited about the second semester. 

1. Spend December in Gratitude 

Each day in December, publicly share gratitude for a specific staff member or two. Consider a Gratitude Wall where you can post your thanks. Consider targeting staff members who you know have had ups and downs this fall or who you may be concerned are a retention risk.  Invite others to pile on their thanks as well.  When things are busy, a moment of acknowledgment goes a long way. Share comments from your Possip report to show how families appreciate your staff’s efforts as well.